This week has been very busy. We've created and shipped Save the Dates, Karina's Orange Calla Lilies, Olesya's Romantico with Peony artwork and more samples. We're currently working on Stacy's Kiwi Orchids, Latasha's yellow hibiscus, Shama's Birds of Paradise, Rosa's Passionate Hibiscus and Jeanna's Pink Beach Lounge. We've also had a serge of pink and green color motifs in the last couple of weeks. You can see them here for Jeanna's Pink Beach Lounge and Cristina's Pink and Kiwi Soft Orchids.
We also received a new order from Kathryn on her 2010 kiwi and pink orchid theme. We're very excited about this theme because she wants something fresh, funky, and a little bit Irish! While doing research, I am also jotting down ideas on new invitations. I will keep you posted on what I find!
Have a great weekend. Til then,