Our studio is filled with autumn colors and silvery winter palettes! I love fall and winter! Although in California, the season doesn't get chilly until end of October or beginning of November. Right now, we're still in our Indian Summer. Last week, the temperature was about 90-100 degrees, while this week it's about 70-80. We're beginning to do more and more spring palette's such as blue's and turquoises, pinks and greens...but right now, our palettes are browns and beiges and white and silvers. You can see from our collection here: Leah's husband's 60th Birthday Roast, Megan's Old Mission in Idaho (I must say, I think is handsomely pretty, is that a phrase?), and Charlene's New Year's fuchsia stargazer lily.
We'll soon be working on lots and lots of Starfish designs - our most popular right now is Maritime Starfish, Starfish Voyage and Water Sailing! I will be adding some photos of those soon...
Please also view our new Specials for October. If you read the Special's page, one of the condition is to have your invites shipped before Dec. 15 or after Feb. 20th. Why so? Well, we'll be going on maternity leave around January. Our baby boy will be coming around then! As much as I'd love to work, I don't think I'll be much help when the baby arrives. I hope everyone understands. I will be posting a notice sometime in November, but just a heads up if you're reading this.
Happy October!